IFTA in collaboration with Francisco Alejandro Rodriguez Garcia host summer training symposiums.
August 2020, The International Firefighter’s Training Association (IFTA), in collaboration with Francisco Alejandro Rodriguez Garcia, Director of the Municipal Unit of Civil Protection Comala, Colima, along with AlvSig, provided a training symposium for the personnel of the Municipal Unit of Civil Protection and Firefighters of Comala and Minatitlan in the state of Colima.
Students participated in the field of the International Training Association Disasters A.C., located in El Salto, Jalisco.
During the course, the participants were able to carry out training in various topics of fire and rescue. This training will be very useful for the firefighters and will benefit the population they serve.
A special thank you to the director of AlvSig for their participation and support. Thank you to Manuel Alvarado Sigala the use of the firefighter’s training facilities.
August 2020, Colima Firefighters, in collaboration with the Municipal Civil Protection Unit of Comala, Blue Code and the International Firefighters Training Association (IFTA), held a “training days for firefighters” symposium. This symposium was held at the facilities of the Oriente substation and included the following topics:
- EVOS – Emergency Vehicle Operator Safety.
- Firefighter Down (smoke inhalation, hemorrhage control and S.V.B. in the fallen firefighter)
- Medical Trauma Emergencies
- Vehicle Extraction.
Each participant was recognized with a certificate issued by Colima Firefighters, UMPC Comala, International Firefighters Training Association (IFTA) and registration with STPS.
September 2020, the International Firefighters Training Association in collaboration with Code Blue sponsored a CPR training class to regional emergency responders.