Welcome Municipal Unit of Civil Protection Firefighters, Gomez Farias
On January 21, 2021, The International Firefighters Training Association, along with officials from the City of Puerto Vallarta, Santa Barbara Sister Cities, Boulder Colorado firefighters and the Puerto Vallarta Rotary Club SUR,Learn More…
The International Firefighters Training Association donated technical rescue and emergency medical equipment to the Red Cross in Colima, Mexico. Learn More…
On Saturday, December 19, 2020, The International Firefighters Training Association’s President Bret Russell attended the second anniversary “DIA DEL JALISCIENSE AUSENTE”. The program was broadcasted simultaneously from Gomez Farias, Jalisco and also in California.Learn More…
On November 28-30, 2020, The International Firefighters Training Association sponsored a vehicle extrication training class in Gomez Farias, Mexico. The class was coordinated by Alejandro Rodriguez García, director of the Municipal Unit of Civil Protection, Comala, Colima, Mexico. Alejandro Rodriguez Garcia is the International Firefighters Training Association’s regional training coordinator.Learn More…
On Wednesday, December 2, 2020, the City of Comala, Colima, Mexico formally accepted the International Firefighters Training Association’s donation of a Fire Engine, along with a large donation of Fire, Medical and Technical Rescue Equipment. Learn More…
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